Your Convenience Is Our Priority!
Our Pharmacy at Shippensburg Animal Hospital
Today, pet and farm animal owners have multiple options when it comes to getting prescription food or necessary medications. However, these online or mail-order retailers are often not connected with a veterinarian. While their prices might be lower, you can never be too sure of the quality of the materials you’re receiving.
At Shippensburg, Mount Rock, and Allen Road Animal Hospital, we want to make treating your pet or farm animal as easy as possible. For your convenience, we write the prescription and then fill it at our in-house pharmacies which are stocked with the highest quality prescription food, medications, and oral solutions for your pet’s health. We only prescribe brands and medications that we stand behind, which means you’ll never receive something that hasn’t passed FDA testing or has been improperly stored. Our mission is to get your pet or farm animal treated as soon as possible so he or she can have a speedy recovery and we can alleviate any signs of pain or discomfort.
Sometimes, it can be tricky to get a pet or farm animal to take any medication and they will fight and squirm as you try to give it to them. Because we have over 50 years of experience diagnosing and providing treatments, we’ll also be able to instruct you how to administer a dose of medication, so your pet won’t put up a fight to take it.
For additional ease, you can request refills online. We will ship any large animal prescriptions and food directly to your door.
We are more than happy to answer any questions you might have about your pet’s medication or prescription food. Contact us by calling (717) 532-5413.